For all those who worship laziness this is my tribute
Procrastination 101
Course Code : Dilly Dally 101- D101D
[ in the land of palindrome-speak, loosely translated - language called malayalam, the author wishes to acknowledge his obsession with palindromes with an innovative course code]
Prerequisites : Laziness (the inherent sixth sense in most people, at least in my college)
Later is a period of infinite span in the Procrastination dictionary it may range anywhere between few hours later to, um...well until death.
Soon in the Procrastination dictionary refers to a period somewhere in the near future just before the deadline.
- Details regarding the course plan shall be put up soon
- Students attending this course should fill out the registration form and register sometime later.
Course Outline
Module 1: Procrastination through history, Procrastination through ages, the essential procrastination vocabulary- Later, Eventually, I'm busy right now, Let's see , There is nothing wrong with the way it is now..,New additions -aal izz well, the act of forgetting due dates, submissions
Module 2: Procrastination in modern age : Internet- a procrastinator's paradise, the tools for procrastination- Social Networking- facebook - the art of spamming other's walls, orkut, the most gripping form of procrastination yet-twittcrastination - procrastination enabled by twitter, Other addictive tools - PSP, blogging, free messaging services (subject to service availability, applies to college students only), Playstation, DOTA
Update: The newest avatar of Procrastination yet: Google Buzz, Ladies and Gentlemen, take a bow
Module 3: Common phrases used in the eleventh hour, Damn it! - the essential addition to the procrastination vocabulary, list of things/tools/objects that you could throw around yelling damn it! , Probability of the fact that the object thrown = object needed, frustration, the act of yelling at everything to melt down your frustration
Module 4: Fake words used to prevent procrastination - just do it (courtesy of nike, probably), Widespread applications - the ease of break ups due to procrastination, improving skills at plagiarising assignments, homeworks, stress time skills - the art of creating presentations on the night before the deadline
List of Textbooks and References to be published soon.
Famous Quotations:
I took Procrastination 101 in college and the teacher would walk in everyday and say, "Yeah! We'll do something tomorrow"
-Russell Peters in Show me the funny
[No copyright infringement intended here]
P.S : I had a plan to post the above blogpost a lot earlier, sorry for the inevitable delay due to twittcrastination
P.P.S: I know this tests your patience, but stating the mandatory disclaimer- No offence is intended to any individual(s) or organisation by the means of this post
P.P.S : Recently I've been diagnosed with HCD (the Human Commento -Deficiency) Virus, (a variant of desperate attention seeker virus, in non medical terms) To cure me of this illness please leave a comment, I shall be eternally grateful.